Am I the only one staying inside during this major heatwave in the South? Or others feeling the same way? It’s so damn hot outside that I have limited my outdoor times for the last 30 days or so. It’s not just here in the US but it’s getting worse everywhere.
People are dying in the Pacific Northwest. India is routinely going through heatwaves. Even Maine might see 100 degree weather. And even the Mediterranean faces something called “Marine Heatwave“, which I have never even heard of. Wild fires. Flooding and all kinds of hell all over the place right now.
So what should we do besides trying to stay cool somewhere like a supermarket (if you are Al Bundy), movies, malls or even just staying at home.
Things that are picking up.
- Movies at home or at a movie theater ($AMC, $DIS, $NFLX)
- Hanging out at a mall ($SPG since they re-negotiated their rents during the pandemic to value-based deals)
- Pools / water parks / splash pads ($SIX)
- Buying A/C‘s and fans ($CARR, $LII, $TT, $JCI)
- Eating in ($KR, $COST and maybe $WEBR if it’s not too hot to grill outside)
These are just few ideas I want to share and for you to decide if it’s worth the investment in long or even a short-term. Again, do your own DD before making any investment decisions.